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♔ Portfolio

Hello,my name is Maisarah Yahya,yeah please called me MY or mai,, i'm sweet 6ix teen years old, was born in johor at date of 3rd december,,,:)

♔ StereoHeart

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♔ Darlinks

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August 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
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September 2011
December 2011
April 2012
September 2012

♔ Special thanks

Template and skins : NurIzzati
Re-edit : Hana-Riana
Background and Photo : We♥it Fading Night

♔senior masok U da..
Tuesday, April 3, 2012 | 9:07 AM | 0 hearts ♔
huhu,,, lame sungguh ta negdit blog ny,,, walau eh,,,
ary tu dpt result SPM,, now dyirang da gy haluan masing2,
aq still agy tebyg2 dyorang pkai uniform skola,, then pggil org yg mngajar 'cekgu'
but now they call it 'lecturer'. free to wear anything,,, bring h/p and do what ever they like,,,
they're so adult now,,mcm ta sngke aq da ting.4,,, dyorang da msok U...
time past so damn fast,,, watching some of them cry tie amek result tu...
tetybe rse mcm takowt na amek SPM,,
cekgu kate tu penentu idop,,, yeah rite,,,
skunk tgah study hard for next year,,
almaklomlha,,, cite2 na jady PILOT,, wuuhhhuuu,,,

na jady pilot add math,physic & chemist pown da ke mane,,, haha,,
ary tu physics aq ping rendah,,, hahaha,, benggang,,, damn,, seram sejuk na prekse,,,,
well.. da pkol 12.04 pagy... sok ary rabu byk keje na ke buat,,, nyte...

*pls love what ur doing,and thing will be smooth for ur life*
*live for the sake of ALLAH,, not ur own sake or anybody else,, its GOD,, so appreciate ur life that is not long last,,, :) *

Fly away ▲

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